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Hi, I'm Cheryl
I know, your probably thinking, "Cheryl, I don't need to do all this formalization of my business. That's what I left behind when I started my business."
But I believe that it's not the document itself that is important, it's the process of creating it that helps you dig deep and think about how you see your business and its position in the market.
A strategic Plan is the first step to identifying what project you will work on in the next year.
Each and every year, you can review your plan and see your progress toward those goals you set in your plan.
This plan does not have to be formal but it does need to be taken seriously.
If you spend the time to create it, keep it at your fingertips so you can review it often to make sure you haven't gone astray.
Download this free workbook and I will guide you through the process.
It's time to take charge of your business and stop letting it run your life.
Click the button and send me your email address. I'll send you this workbook along with other helpful resources.