101 Ways to Market Your Business Online

Dec 08, 2021

I’ve been diving deeper into marketing lately and thought I would share some of my research to save you some time. It is possible to market your business for free but remember this. Marketing your business takes your time or your money. So let’s look at 101 ways to market your business online for free or cheap.

21 Ways to Market Your Business Online

Although this article from writer R.L. Adams is from 2016, it’s still ranking on page one for best ways to market your business online. While it touts the traditional, like blogging, email marketing and SEO, it also had some easy, clever ways to get the word out as well.

When you read 21 Ways to Market Your Business Online, pay attention to the 80-20 rule and an email signature. The 80-20 rule could help you further segment your list for better deliverability and perhaps better results.

7 Ways to Promote Your Business Online For Free

In another older article that still ranks on page one as of this writing, author Kim Bhasin reinforces the standard ways to market your business like social media and SEO. She mentions some others that you might not think about, like listing your online business in Google and the other big search engines and creating press releases. Read her article, 7 Ways to Promote Your Business Online For Free.

The 30 Best Ways to Promote Your Business - With or Without Money

Updated in November 2021, the article created by author Kristen McCormick demonstrates how all the marketing strategies work together to create a comprehensive whole in her articleThe 30 Best Ways to Promote Your Business - With or Without Money.

If you are a follower of Grant Cardone, you probably know he advises you to be everywhere to create the impression of omnipresence. This article can guide you to do that.

13 Ways To Market Your Business Online

This article by Megan Mahoney at Single Grain will give you ideas for offline marketing, including networking, talking to people about your business and most importantly, being consistent with whatever you choose to do. Read her article, 13 Ways to Market Your Business Online.

5 Ways You Can Promote Your Small Business Online (for free!)

This article by Afshana Fathima doesn’t tell us anything new, but it does mean you are that perhaps the place to start is these 5 ways of marketing; SEO, Social Media, Email Marketing, Blogging and joining online forums and communities to network.

If you need to keep things simple, this post gives you the basics and consistency in these 5 areas can pay off.

25 Alternatives to Running Paid Ads to Promote Your Business

From the writers at Shopify, Casandra Campbell goes through 25 alternatives to running paid ads. You’ll get new ideas like guest posting and inviting others to guest post on your blog. Even though she lists many traditional ways to promote your business, she also talks about newer methods, like TikTok, offering samples of your products, getting press coverage and more.

Pick Some and Be Consistent

While this list ends up being less than 101 ways to market your business online, the takeaway here is there are some top ways to start. Being consistent in what you choose to do will go a long way toward reaching your goals. Furthermore, you may find some simple things you can do that will take a small amount of time, like listing your business in Google, Yahoo and Bing and setting up your signature for every email you send. So knock out a few of these today and start tracking the results for a scientific approach to marketing your business.